A Letter To the Church of Young Adults

I was approached a few weeks ago to write a letter to a group of Young Adults that were going to be meeting at our denomination’s summer camp for a retreat.  I thought it would be a good post to share, enjoy.

To the Church that is meeting at Camp Gideon:

May the power of the One and Only be upon you, may His mercy and grace never run dry over your life and may His Spirit guide you into all knowledge and understand in this life.

It is my hope and desire that today you realize you have been created for more.  You have been created for more than just this moment and season of your life, created for more than the struggles and joys of this world, created for more than you can imagine, dream or even fathom.  God made you on purpose and for a purpose. He didn’t waste dust when He made you and He didn’t design you on mistake.

You life is a gift. It’s a gift that God desired to make and desired for you to have. A gift that is unwrapping every second of every day. A gift that He has desired for you to use: for your good and His glory.  With that said, how are you using the gift of your life? Are you wasting it? Waiting for it to develop into something different? Enjoying it?  What are you doing with this gift every second of every day?

Do me a favor, read Acts 17:24-28 out load as a group.

Now, read it quietly to yourselves.

Now, think about how you are using the gift of your life? Not how you wish your life was different or how you believe God wants you to change something in it.  Just think about how you are using the gift of your life….

As people called by God and created for His greatness we must understand that we not only have purpose, but we play a HUGE part in His design for eternity.  In John 6:40 it says, “For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.” God wants you to be in eternity with Him. However, He also wants you to bring eternity here.

He wants you to live out a life that reveals eternity in your words, actions, morals, beliefs and even your breathe. For God has created you for eternal reasons not earthly seasons. He has made you to reach beyond the borders of your normal and natural, for He has given you the ability to move mountains, calm waters and conquer nations through the blood of Jesus and for the glory of God.

You are a gift straight from the throne room of heaven, made to do more than you can imagine, formed for a reason beyond today and shaped to bring life into this dying world. Live your life with purpose. Live in a way that others desire to have what you have, want what you display and crave what God gave you.

Your life is a gift. Share it boldly.

Pastor Ben

P.S.  Saved People Serve People, get to it.

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