Get Lost


I mean it’s not always the most convenient thing or the greatest feeling to experience, but I love the idea of being in a place that is unknown and foreign.  Growing up my family lived in some pretty different places.  We spent time in Germany, England, Michigan, Nevada and Ohio.  We lived in hotel rooms, apartments, duplexes and houses.  We experienced different cultures, tasted unusual foods and witnessed history in motion.  Our lives were filled with moments of being lost.

There are many times in my life that I wish I could experience being lost again.  Being in a place that is unknown does something to me – it wakes me.

I believe God desire for us to live in moments of the unknown so that we can wake up with new perspective and deeper convictions.  When God spoke to Joshua in the book of Joshua chapter 1:2 He said, “Moses My servant is dead. Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them – the children of Israel.”

God was calling Joshua to wake up and take hold of a new chapter in his life and in the lives of those who stood around him.  God was using the death of Moses to birth the livelihood of His nation.  God was inviting Joshua into a state of unknown, into a place where Joshua could get lost and God could lead.

I wonder if God is calling you to get lost with Him?  Or inviting you into a new journey that doesn’t seem likely or even desirable because the unknown is so great?

I would like to challenge you to get lost in God today…

Allow Him to take you to the unknown places of your soul.

Discover His leading to new experiences and step into a new beginning with Him as your guide.

Go get lost in the One who is never lost, but always found.

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