Viewing: Faith


As I stepped out of the holding cell and onto the prison yard for the first time my mind went blank.  I remember my eyes zooming back and forth trying to establish some sense of direction.  My feet became heavy with uncertainty and my chest tight with anticipation. I knew my life was about to […] Read more

Obligation vs. Sincerity

Have you ever come to the place in your walk with Jesus and asked the question, “Why am I doing this?”  Why am I reading my Bible? Attending church? Praying? Acting this way? One of the greatest moments of my life came when I asked myself this question: “Why am I doing this?”  This question […] Read more

When He Saw Jesus

“When he saw Jesus, he fell with his face to the ground and begged him” Luke 5:12 Not everything that happens in our lives is our fault. People hurt us, society challenges us and life happens even when we don’t want it to. Below is a sermon I gave a couple of weeks ago. Clink on […] Read more

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