Viewing: Jesus

Snowmen & Creation

I believe that we know God, because God designed us to know Him.  In Ecclesiastes 3:11 it says, “He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end” (NIV, Bold and Italics me).  We also know […] Read more


Have you ever been in a wreck? Not a fender bender, but a real wreck.  The kind of wreck that shakes you to your core and causes you to think that your insides are now on the outside or one that causes you to stop and question everything.  A wreck that not only disturbs you […] Read more


As I stepped out of the holding cell and onto the prison yard for the first time my mind went blank.  I remember my eyes zooming back and forth trying to establish some sense of direction.  My feet became heavy with uncertainty and my chest tight with anticipation. I knew my life was about to […] Read more

Obligation vs. Sincerity

Have you ever come to the place in your walk with Jesus and asked the question, “Why am I doing this?”  Why am I reading my Bible? Attending church? Praying? Acting this way? One of the greatest moments of my life came when I asked myself this question: “Why am I doing this?”  This question […] Read more

When He Saw Jesus

“When he saw Jesus, he fell with his face to the ground and begged him” Luke 5:12 Not everything that happens in our lives is our fault. People hurt us, society challenges us and life happens even when we don’t want it to. Below is a sermon I gave a couple of weeks ago. Clink on […] Read more

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